Saturday, June 11, 2016

Deleting Admin users from your organization in WSO2 Cloud

Currently in WSO2 Cloud the Organization owners can add multiple Admin users to his organization. It is a common scenario that some people leave the organizations and if he is an admin of your organization you should remove the Admin from the organization.

In current implementation of WSO2 Cloud you are not able to delete an Admin through the Members page. As you can notice on the below image the users with Admin Role doesn't have the check box in front of them. Therefore we are not able to edit or delete the specific Admin from the organization directly.

In order to delete them the Organization owner (The creator of the organization on WSO2 Cloud) should revoke the Amin role from the user. This is not provided through WSO2 Cloud UI directly. Here is how you can achieve this.

1. You can log in to WSO2 Cloud management console using the steps described in'sManagementConsole?

2. On the left menu of management console go to Main -> User and Roles -> List -> Users. This will list out the Users in your organization.

3. Select the preferred user with Admin role and select View Roles and remove the admin role from that user privileges from that user and update.

4. Afterwards log out of the management console and re login through cloud ui and go to members page. You will see the check box in front of the particular user will be enabled and you will be able to delete the user (Due to caching on server side it will take some time for the changes to be depicted on UI).

* Note that you must not delete the user through management console since there are records which are not getting deleted for the user which is explicitly used in for WSO2 Cloud data in the front end. Therefore you should delete the user through UI after removing the role.

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